AEVarispeedModule Class Reference

#import <AEVarispeedModule.h>

Inherits AEAudioUnitModule.

Instance Methods

(instancetype _Nullable) - initWithRenderer:subrenderer:
- Instance Methods inherited from AEAudioUnitModule
(instancetype _Nullable) - initWithRenderer:componentDescription:
 Default initializer.
(instancetype _Nullable) - initWithRenderer:componentDescription:subrenderer:
 Sub-renderer initializer.
(double) - getParameterValueForId:
 Get an audio unit parameter.
(void) - setParameterValue:forId:
 Set an audio unit parameter.
(BOOL) - setup
 Setup audio unit.
(void) - initialize
 Initialize audio unit.
(void) - teardown
 Cleanup audio unit.
(AudioUnit _Nonnull) - AEAudioUnitModuleGetAudioUnit
 Get access to audio unit.
- Instance Methods inherited from AEModule
(instancetype _Nullable) - initWithRenderer:
(instancetype _Nonnull) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(void) - rendererDidChangeSampleRate
 Notifies the module that the renderer's sample rate has changed.
(void) - rendererDidChangeNumberOfChannels
 Notifies the module that the renderer's channel count has changed.


double playbackRate
 documented range is from 0.25 to 4.0, but empircal testing shows it to be 0.25 to 2.0. Default is 1.0.
double playbackCents
 range is from -2400 to 2400. Default is 0.0.
- Properties inherited from AEAudioUnitModule
AudioComponentDescription componentDescription
 The component description.
AudioUnit _Nonnull audioUnit
 The audio unit.
BOOL hasInput
 Whether the audio unit processes input (and thus will process buffers in place, rather than pushing new buffers)
double wetDry
 Wet/dry amount, for use with effect audio unit types. 0.0-1.0; 0.0 bypasses the effect entirely.
AERenderer *_Nullable subrenderer
 Sub-renderer, for use with format converter audio unit types, such as the varispeed and time/pitch units.
- Properties inherited from AEModule
AEModuleProcessFunc _Nonnull processFunction
 Process function.
AEModuleIsActiveFunc _Nullable isActiveFunction
 Active test function.
AERenderer *_Nullable renderer
 The renderer.

Method Documentation

- (instancetype _Nullable) initWithRenderer: (AERenderer *_Nullable)  renderer
subrenderer: (AERenderer *_Nonnull)  subrenderer 

Property Documentation

- (double) playbackRate

documented range is from 0.25 to 4.0, but empircal testing shows it to be 0.25 to 2.0. Default is 1.0.

- (double) playbackCents

range is from -2400 to 2400. Default is 0.0.

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